Mindful Valentine's Day Practice
Posted: February 9, 2017
Happy Valentine’s Day weekend! In honor of the occasion, I want to share with you a mindfulness practice to strengthen the love and compassion you have for your spouse or partner.
Whenever you notice your wedding band or commitment ring, use it as a signal to pause. Bring to mind your beloved, allowing yourself time to connect with feelings of warmth, tenderness and gratitude. Then quietly recite wishes like the ones below …
You can make these phrases your own … saying whatever is in your heart/mind at that particular moment. It isn’t necessary to feel a particular way as you send out these wishes. Just sending them out is enough.
May we love and care for each other, especially during difficult times.
With love,
May you be well and happy May you be free from suffering May you be safe May you be at peace May our love deepen and grow.